Prayer List

Inspirational Words

I hurt, I cried, my mate nearly dies; help was hard to find. Then you came, Lord, with your great plan. You wiped our fears aside. Such joy, what great peace and abundant love we know, comfort brought by only you, sweet Jesus, our dear Savior. Thank you words seem so small. Our debt to you grows day by day; there is no way to pay. So, let us trust and hope. Pray until that special day, when full of joy we come home to you. with grateful hearts we'll stay.

Mary Ada Wagner Anderson

January, 3 2014



Meek and lowly was His bed, this stranger they called Jesus, with crown of thorns, pierced they his head, this man the son of God.

He heard the sound of people weeping, He saw them hungry and alone, He saw their wounded broken bodies, He knew the ones who sight was gone.

"I came that you might live," He told them, "That all my people might be set free," "New life I give, a life eternal, If you will only believe in me."

To those who came, He healed their bodies, gave them sigh, and made them whole, He raised the dead , and fed the hungry , Forgave their sins, and saved their souls.

Today, as then, His promise is true, Life eternal, He offers to you, Believe on His name, you too can be free, The way is the same, only believe.


Sweet Love Songs to Jesus

Little birds up in the trees, build your home, here next to me and let us sing sweet love songs to Jesus.

Oh my friend in deep distress, You can truly be blest, if you, too, sing sweet love songs to Jesus.

When we sing our song of love to the only Son of God .

He pours out his love to us abundantly, heals our souls of deep despair leaves His peace and Joy there. So come join us in a sweet love song to Jesus.



Word came today requesting a miracle for a loved ones life. It is my prayer that he be healed if it is Your will.

As I pray and consider things, it occurs to me that every thing YOU do is a miracle. Being your child, it is up to us to pray, then believe.

Having the patience to wait for YOUR answer causes us to put into practice the outcome.

Gratitude knowing that YOU love us and want the best for us.

